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Chen Institute Workshop on Methods in Evolutionary Neuroscience

Thursday, September 17, 2020
1:00pm to 4:00pm
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The Chen Institute for Neuroscience at Caltech is delighted to announce that it is sponsoring its next workshop* on the Methods in Evolutionary Neuroscience. This workshop will focus on methods development for studying brain evolution and nervous systems of emerging model organisms.

Due to the pandemic this workshop will be available via Zoom Webinar. The workshop will be open to the Caltech community.


Speakers include:
Tara Chari, Graduate Student, Pachter lab, Caltech
Rory Coleman, Postdoctoral Fellow, Ruta lab, Rockefeller University.
Elena Gracheva, Associate Professor of Cellular and Molecular Physiology and Neuroscience, Yale.
Justus Kebschull, Postdoctoral Fellow, Luo lab, Stanford University. Head of the Kebschull lab at Johns Hopkins University starting January 2021.
Han Kim, Chen Graduate Fellow, Parker lab, Caltech.
Megan Martik, Postdoctoral Fellow, Bronner lab, Caltech.
Yuki Oka, Professor of Biology and Chen Scholar, Caltech.

Stephanie Palmer, Associate Professor of Organismal Biology and Anatomy, University of Chicago
Brady Weissbourd, Postdoctoral Scholar, Associate, HHMI, Anderson lab, Caltech

The workshop will be moderated by Dr. Joe Parker, Assistant Professor of Biology and Biological Engineering at Caltech. The workshop will consist of short talks followed by an opportunity for Q&A. There will be two sessions. Session one will be from 1:00PM - 2:00PM followed by a 30-minute break and then session two will begin at 2:30PM.

*The Chen Institute workshop series is designed to introduce non-neuroscientists to some of the challenging problems facing our understanding of brain function, as well as to bring them up to date on the state-of-the-art knowledge and methods in different sub-fields of neuroscience. The goal of these workshops is to promote discussion and to forge new interactions and cross-divisional collaborations at Caltech.

For more information, please contact Chen Institute by phone at 626-394-8146 or by email at [email protected] or visit