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Behavioral Social Neuroscience Seminar

Thursday, April 11, 2013
4:00pm to 5:00pm
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Beckman Behavioral Biology B180
Ontogenetic Changes in the Neural Mechanisms Underlying Motivation, Exploration and Learning: Insights from the Adolescent Brain
Adriana Galvan, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, UCLA, Brain Research Institute,

Adolescence is characterized by strong motivational drives and limited behavioral regulation. Converging evidence suggests that this developmental phenotype is governed by distinct neurodevelopmental trajectories in the cognitive and affective systems that underlie these behaviors.   By probing these systems under an array of conditions in children, adolescents and adults, we have learned how ontogenetic differences in striatal sensitivity and prefrontal engagement render adolescents more prone to risk-taking, reward seeking and impulsive behavior.  In this talk, I will present our work demonstrating heightened striatal sensitivity in adolescents to basic appetitive and aversive stimuli, discuss recent findings showing that the adolescent brain is uniquely sensitive to contextual changes in social, stressful and learning domains, and review these findings within the context of prevailing theories of adolescent behavior and neurodevelopment.  In addition, I will explore how  neurobiologically-supported increases in motivation and exploration during adolescence facilitate the attainment of autonomy as individuals transition into adulthood.

For more information, please contact Barbara Estrada by phone at Ext. 4083 or by email at [email protected].